There have been many valuable changes
In the Admin Control Panel, NukeViet 3.2 has added the complete deleting function that can de-lete unused modules to clean up the system. NukeViet 3.2 has Modified and upgraded the functions in the system, include the up-date on jquery, editor, openid, improved management template, more add-ons for web tools, up-date automatically.
In terms of security and confidentiality, NukeViet 3.2 has upgraded the system log management function, allow search data fom those logs, record important events in those logs, additional filter for system log, change the default sorting order in system log. By adding this function to the security tools, NukeViet not only allows the control system safely, but also easy to review and compare if the data is destroyed "f-rom within it's self".
Besides the addition of Menu module, allowing crate menu automatically is the most notable in the modules, NukeViet 3.2 has had many improvements in the News module as well as most other modules. Although these improvements don't make great difference but it helps the system smoother and more stable than older versions.
The Improvements in User module allow user register to public group, Users can retrieve password without enter the answer to the secret question and fixing error when deleting admin, active users' account...
Be rapidly increasing in the value by contributions f-rom the community!
By developping series of support tools such as cre-ate module, cre-ate theme, translation tool, this version is being translated by collaborators into 8 languages ??and has translated completely into four languages through the contributions of the translators on the system It's an unexpected result than ever!
NukeViet 3.2 has not much difference in the theme but it's better for SEO, more stable with the errors fixing and improving the features of NukeViet 3.1.
Offline programme for NukeViet 3.2 will be started at 2.30' p.m, Saturday, july 09th, 2011 at the Khuc Giao Mua coffee, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Change log
Up-date Modules
- Adding unused modules deleting function (de-lete files f-rom the modules)
- Separating PHP and HTML - PHP
Up-date module Users
- Allow user registration to group public
- User can retrieve password without answering the secret question
- Fix when integrating forum, do not allow to add, edit users
- Fix GodAdmin error, can't de-lete admin
- Fix error that can't activate account
- Disable autocomplete when edit account
- Fix error that can't change the email while user is logged in
- Eliminating the dots before the @ symbol in the email when checking the validity (
[email protected] = @
- block login: Change the avatar image path
- block login: Change the avatar OpenID path
Module News:
- Fix the time that is needed to publish an article is more than the time to cre-ate an article
- De-lete cache of module when user de-lete posts
- Fix the image display that is incorrect with article in the headline block
- The error displaying title of the article that hasn't been published in the sitemap
- Fix the check copyright configuration in content.php
- Fix blocknews error when using virtual module
- Fixe the deviding page error when News module configuration "title, new front"
- Fix rss link of virtual module of News module in the Modern template
- Fix does not edit the source
- Fix de-lete posts thumb when de-lete posts. (Now the original image of article have not been de-leted by sharing, will write the cleanup program the unused image after)
- Fix commnet form for Moderm template-
- Fix show commnents, fixed paging in the commnent management
- Separatiing HTML and PHP
Module Menus
- Adding the menu management function
- Fix the display functions in menu of the User module(customizing the login status)
- Change the function name of the menus to use many menus at a time.
- Not displaying the sub menu of Weblinks module in block menu smooth_navigational
Module Language:
- Managing the language of the block
- Fix rewrite URL for the servers does not support rewrite URL
- Fix XML Sitemap Index on the hosting does not support the full rewrite
- Fix sitemap.xml to Google Webmaster Tools easy to identify
- Fix the error that identify module incorrectly when turning on rewrite function.
- Improving to rewrite URL individually
- Rewite the link while sending mail
- Adding RewriteBase to the file .htaccess
- Fix rewite in case of hosting does not support zlib so can not load the css, js
- Fixed writing rewite on IIS7 not lose configuration in the web.config file, fixed checking rewite on IIS7
- Fix Duplicate title tags & meta descriptions
- Fix up-date function based on revision
- Configure the
domain to use localhost
- The language packs updating configure based on revision
- Fix 404 error when the url contains the special c-haracters
- Up-date editor, Reconfiguring some functions of the editor, fix upload quickly in the editor.
- Up-date JW Player 5.5. Additional features se-lected thumbnail for the JW Player plugin in the editor
- Checking the server status, if> 80% will report "Server too busy. Please try again later"
- Fix to customize the admin toolbar
- Identify the theme is used during configuration.
- Fix when installing the new module that does not recognize the theme.
- Fix rss module and the other that related rss
- De-lete cache of module while changing the configuration of the block
- Fix image.class.php file
- Fix chmod using FTP
- Fix instalation module: Accept the module that doesn’t have the outside site function.
- Modify system to module does not require the the outside site function.
- Fix the menu block to get the theme based on module
- Up-dated jQuery and the plugins: jQuery UI jQuery v1.5.2
- class phpsvnclient: in case of committing file using the Replace
- Upgrate the openid.class.php
- Fix checking mimetype while uploading file.
- Separate language of the blocks to a separate file.
- default theme: fix the rewite link to access statistics
- Fix display the contents of a html block that contains special c-haracters
- Fix theme management: de-lete block when uninstalling theme
Web tool
- Add ip log deleting function
- Add the all chosing item to clear the configure.
- Configure the version test function.
- Up-date the upgrate function based on revision: Just get the up-dates in the /trunk/nukeviet3.2
- Fix revision up-date function when occurrence of renaming the system folder
- Revision up-dates on the FTP hosting need to cre-ate folders and move files.
System Log
- Record important events in system log
- Add filter for system log, change the default log order
Faq Module:
- Fix module not to require entering questions into topics, and add presentation
Download Module:
- Fix path to the user's avatar
About Module:
- Fix the error that still display the article though it has been blocked in Admin Control Panel.
This version, NukeViet include module Shop for e-commercial.