What new of Nukeviet 4.0After 5 years since NukeViet 3.0 was launched, NukeViet has constantly improved to keep up with new trends. And this time NukeViet 4.0 enhancements and comprehensive changes to update according to the latest technological trends as Reponsive theme, IPv6, supporting Vietnamese domain names…etc.
NukeViet 4.0 also adds more features to change the fundamental way the system administrator, for example, application allowed installing apps directly from the store to the Admin Control Panel, change the file management system powerful and flexible and supplemented many SEO tools and SEO standards implementation ... this particular version was officially added functional decentralization to each categories for news system at the request of members - are key features the core of the system management major news.
The change in this version is here:
https://github.com/nukeviet/nukeviet/releases/4.0.27/The requirements to install NukeViet 4.0 RC2 Operating systems: Unix (Linux, Ubuntu, Fedore ...) or Windows
PHP: PHP 5.4 or the latest version.
MySQL: MySQL 5.5 or the latest version